Nothin’ Big….

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….is exactly what I have planned for this post.Β πŸ˜†

Jake leaves on Tuesday morning at 3AM for Texas. He’ll be gone just a few days shy of three weeks. I am really not looking forward to this. At all. If you think about it at all, would you pray for my sanity and energy? Thanks. πŸ˜‰

Thinking about going to the Pumpkin Patch this weekend for the obligatory pumpkin patch pictures. πŸ˜† We don’t need any pumpkins, but it might be fun for the kids. Depends on how cold it is I guess. We bought five small pumpkins at the grocery store and we intend on painting them. Normally Jake carves a few huge pumpkins with the boys but since he won’t be here for Halloween we’re skipping that. I am NOT a fan of carving pumpkins. Ew. πŸ˜•

I am loving my new haircut. Well, I guess it’s not “new” anymore. It’s been two weeks. It’s super easy and off my neck. Makes my happy.

I laid out everything I’ve gotten for the boys for Christmas so far and then divided it up into seperate baskets. I lined the baskets on the top shelf in my closet so when I buy something in the future, I can just toss it into the appropriate basket. That way I can see who has what and who still needs what. πŸ˜‰ I think for their big present we are going to get them something like THISΒ for the playroom. I thought about scooters but then decided against it because they won’t be able to use them here until next summer (I think I’ll get them those at Easter next year instead).Β This way with the bounce house they can burn off all their energy inside this winter. I’ll also get the balls for ball pits and put in there. πŸ˜€

Jake and I are going to start working at church in the nursery. I’m kind of excited about the opportunity to get involved so soon. We need to fill out paper for a background check and have an “interview” first but that should all be pretty easy. Church called us actually since we have kids in class and they are trying to round up people to help. πŸ˜‰

I STILL need to order my birth certificate so I can get my ND drivers license. 😐 My Oregon one expired last year in NOVEMBER and I have until my birthday this year to get a ND one without taking a drivers test. If I let it lapse over a year, I have to retake the test. ugh.

Oh! Something Jake and I have talked about for Thanksgiving this year…. he suggested it actually which was funny b/c my mom and I had been talking about it and I hadn’t told him yet. We were thinking about having an “Open House” kind of thing for Thanksgiving for everyone out at his work who isn’t going to be able to go home for the holiday. Thanksgiving is hard to get off for military without taking a lot of leave, and most people want to save up their leave for Christmas. I’m excited at the idea of it and hope we can pull it off. πŸ™‚

This weekend we’re not doing much, other than hanging out a lot before Jake leaves. Getting some walks to the park in there, some movie time, and pumpkin painting time. I’m going to miss him and I know they boys will too. 😦

What are your plans for the weekend? Anything fun?

16 responses »

  1. I’ll be heading north, Vermont & New Hampshire, to take in the fall foliage.

    Just remember me and all your Twitter/Blogging friends are still here with you when Jake is in Texas.

    Jake really needs to get on twitter. πŸ™‚

    I knew the kids keep you busy but activities like church give you the chances to interact more with adults.

  2. Oh Ed! I am jealous of the views you’ll be taking in this weekend! You need a digital camera!! Well, I need you to have a digital camera so I can see what you see. πŸ˜†

    Jake would never twitter. He thinks he never has anything to say. πŸ˜† I wish he would get on board with blogging and twitter but he’s just not into it.

    Yes, church does give us the chance to be around more adults. Greatly needed!! πŸ˜‰

  3. Sounds fun! We are doing the pumpkin patch on Sunday. We have no large carving pumpkins. Only small ones the kids have been carrying around.

    I *thought* about doing an open house for Thanksgiving but if his mom is moving out that weekend then I’ll be in a bad mood because of her lack of motivation. She’ll be in my way and crap..

    Anyway at the dentist I looked through the Martha Stewart Thanksgiving mag. Lots of cool ideas. I’m not really a martha lady but things were easy, cheap, adaptable and very decorative. HTH!

    Otherwise, tomorrow we have football and Tate has a football party at the coaches house. Tailey wants a friend over, I want to go shopping in the morning, etc. Lots of little things, nothing fabulous! LOL!

  4. I hope things work out. You are definitely in my thoughts.

  5. I am having two of my nieces over to spend the night. My husband is concerned that we are going to gang up on him and paint his toenails or something. We just might try it…well, we might try it if I can drag the girls away from the Wii long enough to do it! πŸ™‚

  6. I will pray for you…I need to twitter..hahaha i want to play with the boys christmas presents…you are very organized, I always wanted to do that for my kids presents, and well..still don’t do til the last minute!

  7. impressive on the whole christmas basket/gifts/organizational thing. i think im tearing up just thinking about it πŸ˜‰

    sorry you’ll be without jakey! but i KNOW you will be fine. just medicate the boys. i say sedate them often. no one will know.

    “your” gonna do great πŸ˜€

  8. AH HA HA!! Love the “your” πŸ˜†

    I was thinking that I’d start pulling the shades around 4 and at 5 say “bedtime!”

    Think they’ll notice? nah…. πŸ˜‰

  9. I’ll be thinking of and prayin’ for ya while Jake is gone. I know all too well about those times. Lord, give her some major endurance. πŸ™‚

  10. MAJOR endurance! MAJOR MAJOR! πŸ˜†

  11. Don’t you just hate it when your hubby leaves. I was a military wife to..

    I really got into soap operas. Dang and shame!!! They didn’t have blogging and internet friendships back then.

    Go outside 1 time this week.
    2 times the second week
    and 3 times the third week..

    breathe that fresh air in girl.

    open house is an awesome idea. DO IT!!

  12. ugh. I REALLY hate it. And we never really are apart. The last time was 4.5 years ago when he went to school for 6 weeks to become a recruiter. And then my mom came and stayed with me b/c I was pregnant with Dylan. So this is the first time WITH KIDS AWAY FROM FAMILY that we’ll be apart. πŸ˜•

    I am so glad I have my blog buddies to keep me company though. And yeah, I got into soaps too but since Owen was born, I dropped them all. I miss them. I’m sure if I go back I won’t have missed much. πŸ˜†

  13. yes, they’ll notice. thats why i say sedate’em.

    oh. and another word that gets messed up…


    brent is always confusing these too.

    the other two i always get confused on are


    never know which one to choose.

    and no people, this has nothing to so with Muffins post.


  14. Hey! HA! I was totally thinking “we never covered the there/their/they’re of grammer.” And yes, that one always bugs me as well. So funny.

    affect is how something makes you feel I think. effect is more like a reaction I think.

    “what you said to me really affected me”
    “you can see the effect of the wind”

    I THINK. Someone correct me if I’m wrong! Please!


  16. your open house thanksgiving idea sounds great!


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