On our way!!!!

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WE GOT OUR ORDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Next step, get on the housing list at Minot. DONE.

After that, schedule briefing with TMO, then schedule movers, then we can leave anytime after that!!! YEAH!!!!

Thank you God!!!

13 responses »

  1. Wow!

    I know you are ready.

    How soon do you think. 1-2 weeks???

  2. Jake called a bit ago and said he is going to a TMO briefing Thursday (he’ll leave tomorrow) and they will schedule the movers for two weeks after that, so that puts us at the 27th for movers. Jake is out processing on the 25th, so after the movers come we can leave anytime after that….

    We think we’ll hang around for about a week TOPS and then head out. So, about 3 weeks. But still, that is FAST. 😯

  3. It is fast, but i am excited for you guys!

  4. Finally the wait is over. Just in time for Spring.

    That is great news.

    How “excited” are your children with moving?

  5. Hey Ed, it’s spring-like here but we are heading back to winter there! hahaha!!! I am loving our weather here…..60’s!! It’s a nice taste of warmth before we go. 😉

    The boys keep talking about ND but I don’t think they really grasp what is going on. Dylan sort of does, and he gets all weirded out by the idea of not seeing the grandma’s and the grandpa’s and the cousins for a long time. He said it makes him sad, or…gooerish. 😉 haha!

    I am so nervous I feel sick! 😯

  6. Brent, I am excited too, but I also feel sick and kinda sad all of a sudden. It’s REAL now. I could laugh, cry, jump up and down, and go to sleep all at the same time. It’s weird.

    Last time I left my family I was a newlywed so I didn’t have much sadness over leaving….not like this time 😯

    Awwww, you guys were there at the airport when I left for the first time. I remember I didn’t cry until Kass and Kota hugged me. *sniff*

  7. Hey Bran,…just thinkin about you! Sounds like things are moving right along….love ya girl and hope to see ya soon!!!!! 😉

  8. PRAYER – Lots of it on this end!

    Jesus, watch over this family – they belong to you – okay? Amen

  9. Oh wow! I’m happy for you, I know being in limbo must have been tough…wow. Well, all the best…God will take care of you all…

  10. Cheryl! Have not “seen” you around much! Glad you stopped by! 😉

    Papa, thanks! I know I can count on you and Mama. 😀

  11. Ah…well after the flu we found out that Simone has an allergy to penicillin…today I had a root canal. Actually it is half done. Turns out the Lord thought he would make me even more unique than I already am and gave me 6 canals instead of the normal 4. Sooo…I get to go back next Thursday and have all those creepy sounds going through my brain again. But the drugs…they are Gooood!…Ok…laying down…dangerous thing to comment on blogs while under the influence… 😆


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