Kid Twitter

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Glad I have twitter to quickly jot down these moments from the boys:

Aidan CANNOT be trusted in underwear yet. He just pooped in them, then KICKED them off. Heaven help me.

A neked baby walking around is about the dang most cutest thing ever. That honkin belly! Those cute wittle butt cheeks! My favorite age!

Peanut is covered in MUD and Dylan just let him come running into the house. Mud from the back door to the front of the house. Good times.

the boys are each taking turns screaming and then yelling “stop screaming at me! Mommy make him stop screaming!” HELP. ME. SOS.

Owen just crawled up on my lap and gave me a big wet one. He has amazing power to kiss away my grumpy mood.

Dylan just said “my warma cwock didn’t go off Mommy.”

Dylans eyelashes are so long and curly they touch his eyebrows. SO not fair.

I’m wondering when Owen will lose interest in nursing. Everytime Im at the cmptr its like his cattle call or something.

Wait, did I just liken myself to a COW?!?! =O

omgosh =O Jake just noticed Aidan “discovering” himself on the couch. Oh I am so not cut out for this part of the boys stuff

The boys are all walking around in t-shirts and undies (well, diapers for A and O) and they look so cute! Their little legs! Aw! I love them

Owen has created a new game: lay on the floor on his belly and slide himself backwards. HAHA!!! Giggles galore!

any day now my floors will cave in from the amount of jumping that goes on around here. And running. And falling. And wrestling

the boys are dancing around the living room to Natasha Bedingfield. HAHA! Dylan just shook his BOO-TAY! hahaha!!

Dylan has been drawing a lot lately & then cutting out his pictures. Unfortunately his scissors he draws looks like the male anatomy. =O

OH.NO. Dylan just asked me “Mommy, how do people make people?” =O

Dylan just told me his squishy bath toy was HEAVY b/c it had DRY water in it. =OΒ 


We didn’t do much today. Well, I didn’t do much today. Β I was sort of in a funk all day today. Thank goodness Jake was home! He took the older two boys to on a bike ride around the neighborhood and then to the park. They said they had a great time and FROZE their butts off. Haha! I like when Jake does stuff like that with them. Then they came back and Jake showed them how to make snowflake cutouts for the windows. πŸ˜‰ I managed to get a FOUR HOUR nap in there but that STILL did nothing for my funk. Boys are off to bed here shortly and then I’m taking a hot bath and settling in for a night of One Tree Hill and then bed.

What’s the funniest thing you’ve heard a kid say lately? πŸ˜‰

14 responses »

  1. my 15 year old SON say:

    “mmm.. mom that kiss was amazing!!!”



  3. This is so sweet! But I have to ask, what is a warma cwock. Do you cook roast in it?

    I love little baby cheeky cakes too. Such a sweet age.

  4. Selena, warma cwock is his alarm clock. haha!!! πŸ˜‰ heehee

  5. soooo what did you tell him Brandy?? how do people make other people???
    ha ha ha.

  6. Aren’t they cute!! LOL!

    BTW, Tucker is the only one that finds his parts on a regular frequent basis. Annoying….

    And for funny kid things…Tins is HILARIOUS! But mostly it’s her delivery and not her words.

    1- She ran into a doorframe hard at the school today. She says “It’s ok. I’m ok. It only hurts a little.” And keeps on trucking! LOL! She said all quick and ‘adult’….hehe…

    2-Tonight my mom asked her on the phone if she would come stay with her. She says, “No, actually, I don’t want too. But someday I will.” I laughed and laughed. Very matter of factly… Then she proceeded to say stop laughing which made me laugh harder! I just record some of this stuff but it’s always when I am not prepared.

    I wanna see the snow and the bundled up boys!


  7. Love it!!! Funny!!!

    You call your children peanut to. I have 4 peanuts myself.

  8. Teresa, I said “ask aunt Teresa” πŸ˜† Its always good to pass off these questions to the family members. πŸ˜‰

    Toni, Yeah the snow is gone but they still need to be bundled. They look like the kid from A Christmas Story. They can barely move. πŸ˜† Tins is funny! heehee

    DaRonn, Hey! Thanks for stopping by! πŸ˜‰ I enjoyed your “onion ring” post the other day too. And Peanut is the dog. hahahahahaha!!! My mom calls the boys all Peanut so they decided to name our dog Peanut. I call them Buggers. heehee πŸ˜†

  9. Why do guys get the best eyelashes?

    So not fair.

    My kids…? Say something funny…?

    They’re teenagers! 😯

    No, honestly, they’re hilarious I just can’t think of anything right now.

    Loved chatting last night — Hope today’s better! πŸ˜‰

  10. “why do dead people always get put in a cementary? ” (in the middle of Sunday dinner with company that does not know us well) 😯 my answer..”where would you like us to put them?” no answer…already talking about hating vegetables.. *sigh*

    BTW – I am not intruding..I am family!!! but there are some that make me think.. Move slowly and quietly and then get out…maybe no one will notice I am here.. hehehehe no such luck for you tho! πŸ˜‰

  11. I LOVE it! It reminds me that there are other mommies out there living life right along with me. On kid terms. πŸ™‚

  12. Thanks for that perfect picture of a day in the life of a mother, no camera required.

    I don’t need the image of pooping in underpants but would love to have seen:

    “the boys are dancing around the living room to Natasha Bedingfield. HAHA! Dylan just shook his BOO-TAY! hahaha!! “

  13. Michelle, yesterday was better. THanks. πŸ˜€ And I loved our chat too!

    Oh Darla that made me laugh! πŸ˜† HAHA!! And no, you’re NEVER intruding! I think of you often when I type out my posts thinking “Darla will like this story.” heehee

    Rachel, I think our days are very similar! 😯

    Ed, they are VERY cute when they dance. It took me forever to get Dylan to come out of his shell and shake his groove thang. πŸ˜† Aidan however is a little dancing bug!


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